We are immensely proud to have been awarded the Bronze Award for ‘Best Implementation of a Learning Platform’ at the Learning Technologies Awards held last Wednesday in London!
We launched our internal learning platform just 9 months ago at the end of January 2022. Since we named it BHive, we’re glad to see that it’s already generating some buzz!
Led by a team of experts in the field, the Learning Technologies Awards recognise the commitment, enthusiasm, and passion for learning technologies across the world.
On announcing BHive’s award, the judged remarked on the impressive increase in engagement in the months since BHive was launched. In fact, Bally’s Interactive employees were able to dedicate twice as much time per month to learning in 2022 than they were in 2021. Since BHive’s launch, we’ve logged an average of 10,000 hits on the platform per month!

What happens in BHive?
BHive is just swarming with information and resources- it hosts over 200,000 learning modules at present, including accredited courses given by expert tutors on a vast variety of subjects. Our employees can also create their own learning pathways to focus on building a specific skill, and they can do this within their own time, at a pace that works for them.
So, whether you’d like to brush up on your digital marketing knowledge, spruce up your design skills, take a leap forward with leadership and management training, or refine your soft skills, the information you need is just a few clicks away.
Aside from being a platform to receive education and training, we also designed BHive to allow our employees to share knowledge by uploading their own content and expertise, as well as building communities to connect and learn together.
Learning Every Day
We believe that continuous learning is an indispensable tool for every career, employee, and organisation. To keep this commitment to learning close to everything we do, we’ve even woven it into the Bally’s DNA- our set of core values and beliefs.
BHive is just one of the learning tools available to Bally’s Interactive employees. Click here to check out the other learning benefits and tools available to help you grow your career with us.